Tuesday, September 17, 2013

adding to Adora Svitak

I agree with everything that Adora said she was spot on with her facts and what she was saying. When she should the glass pictures i thought to myself only a kid could be that creative and think of bacon man made out of glass. We as the new generation can teach adults how to use technology and be more innovative. Kids have so much creativity and dreams which adults need to get happier. Even though we are young we have alot to offer because as little kids we always want to help and we dont judge people on race, religion or how you look. Adults have alot to learn from kids and vice versa.


  1. I agree cam, if adults can learn to be more like children, then the world would be a much more peaceful place. Children arnt as judgmental and know the difference between right and wrong better than some adults do.

  2. I agree cam, if adults can learn to be more like children, then the world would be a much more peaceful place. Children arnt as judgmental and know the difference between right and wrong better than some adults do.
